STWLC Logo - With Date

Update – COVID-19

posted 8 February 2021

Due to the ongoing situation, The Sir Thomas White Loan Charity office is closed, open only for pre-arranged appointments.


If you are a current borrower of the charity and have any issues or concerns at this time please email us on in the first instance.

Our staff are currently working remotely Monday – Thursday and will get back to you as soon as possible.


If you wish to submit an application for a loan please do so via email as a scanned PDF document to We are unfortunately unable to guarantee that we can access postal applications or take receipt of hand delivered applications at this time.

The deadline for receipt of applications for the next few rounds can be found here.

Although the office is closed our staff are working remotely and would be happy to respond to any queries you might have. In the first instance please email

We will endeavour to respond to your email as soon as possible, however please note responses may take a little longer than usual at this present time.

Thank you for your patience and understanding.

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