Jon Oakes – Business Loan Borrower

“Although there is paperwork to complete and we needed two guarantors for the loan amount we were asking for, it was all worth it for the loan and the terms that come with it, such as having three years before repayments start which is invaluable.”

Read Jon’s story in full here

Ayesha Khan – Education Loan Borrower

“I am deeply grateful to STWLC because their assistance enabled me to travel the world and discover my passion for teaching and exploring new cultures.”

Read Ayesha’s story in full here

Leona May Irwin – Education Loan Borrower

“Without STWLC, I likely wouldn’t be where I am today, let alone be able to say I am a University of Oxford Alumni. I am eternally grateful for the opportunity and accomplishments it has provided, and those that are yet to come.”

Read Leona’s story in full here

Maria Terry – Education Loan Borrower

“STWLC has played a vital role in shaping my career. The fact the loan was interest-free for 3 years before starting monthly repayments allowed me to find good permanent employment before paying it back.”

Read Maria’s story in full here


Drew Tora-Willson – Education Loan Borrower

“I would whole heartedly recommend STWLC if it is appropriate for someone’s circumstances. They can remove financial barriers that some may face on their educational journey, and aren’t predatory in any way, shape or form so there’s true peace of mind as to what you’re signing up for.”

Click here to read Drew’s story in full.

Dan Salehi

Dan Salehi – Business Loan Borrower

“In all honesty I wasn’t in a great position financially at the time. I had a job, but my credit history was very bad. If it wasn’t for the Charity, I wouldn’t have been able to get the funds I needed to start up. I’d explored other options without any luck, so STWLC was just perfect for me.”

Click here to read Dan’s story in full.

Ben Coates – Business Loan Borrower

“The loan from STWLC has been an absolute game changer. It has enabled us to take advantage of growth opportunities by accessing capital that we can use to fertilise our growth over time, at our pace. By the time repayments are due to begin we will be seeing the return from the initial investment. The loan is designed to facilitate growth and that is exactly what it’s done for us in a very short space of time.”

Click here to read Ben’s story in full.

Charlotte Appleyard – Business Loan Borrower

“I am currently at the start of my journey in regards to using the loan from STWLC, however I would encourage other small businesses to check what they have on offer and apply for the loans to help build their businesses.”

Click here to read Charlotte’s story in full.

Rob Heslop – Business Loan Borrower

“It was a big step for us to apply for the loan, but we believed in ourselves and our beloved Rendah and it felt so good to know STWLC believed in us too. Along with our own professional development, becoming a Ltd company, a relocation, recruiting new crew, a huge rebrand and relaunch, the loan was vital. To anyone with a deep understanding of their business and their future goals, we would definitely encourage them to go for it.”

Click here to read Rob’s story in full.

Esme Nicholson – Business Loan Borrower

“My advice would be to any new upcoming business needing the loan would be ‘go for it!’ Although the process got tricky sometimes with the business plan and lots of numbers, if you know your business inside and out you will be successful. The interviews were very relaxed and all the trustees were lovely throughout.

“I have, and will continue to, recommend The Sir Thomas White Loan Charity for helping my dreams come true!”

Liam Byrne – Education Loan Borrower

“So many people who live in Leicester and Leicestershire have benefited from the Charity – in terms of education, and also with the Business Loans they offer. The loans are interest-free, which means it gives people a great opportunity launch their own business, or continue their education.”

Click here to read Liam’s story in full.

Alexander Saunders – Business Loan Borrower

“Looking back, I wish I’d applied sooner. I was probably a bit taken aback, thinking it was too good to be true. When I first heard about it, I thought it sounded amazing. If I didn’t have the support of the charity, 100% I wouldn’t be doing what I’m doing.”

Click here to read Alexander’s story in full.

Kompal Khurana – Business Loan Borrower

“Before finding out about The Sir Thomas White Loan Charity I was looking at other loans, with high interest. But instead, the Charity supported me and that was a great thing to happen. I appreciate everything they have done.”

Click here to read Kompal’s story in full.

Sophie Haynes – Business Loan Borrower

“The questions were thorough, but in no way overwhelming, as I’ve experienced with forms since. Everyone I have met through the charity has been nothing but supportive since. It’s full of amazing people.”

Click here to read Sophie’s story in full.

Bipin Anand
Bipin Anand – Business Loan Borrower

“You have to know your business well and the finances. You’re speaking to experiences business professionals, so if you’re unsure about something, they are helpful, because they want to give you the money. They give tips and advice along the way. It’s not a Dragon’s Den process, where you either get money or you don’t, it’s so much more helpful than that.

Click here to read Bipin’s story in full.

Mumtaz Ahmed – Business Loan Borrower and Grant Recipient

“Without the charity, I wouldn’t be where I am today. I moved to a bigger house, I have my own salon, I’m content…it’s changed my life.”

Click here to read Mumtaz’s story in full.

Scott Moore – Business Loan Borrower and Grant Recipient

“If The Sir Thomas White Loan Charity wasn’t available to help us with both the original interest-free loan and then the grant on top, we wouldn’t be in business. It’s as simple as that.”

Click here to read Scott’s story in full.

Victoria Corcoran – Business Loan Borrower

“The charity was a bit of a beacon in the dark for me, because when I’d started to think about developing a teaching space – which was what my loan was used for – there was a lot out there, but when you drilled down to it, few of the options felt relevant to me.”

Click here to read Victoria’s story in full.

Giulia Mio – Business Grant Recipient

“Finding out that there was a local charity that was willing to provide some financial support was a moment where all I could say was, ‘thank goodness’. I felt that the charity was thinking about people like me or those that share my workspace. Even if I was unsuccessful in applying, I was happy that there was an organisation in Leicester with good intentions.”

Click here to read Giulia’s story in full.

Matt Baird – Business Loan Borrower

“When I looked at the website and saw what the charity offers, I was like ‘wow, this is legit’. I was so impressed, so I applied and things went my way.”

Click here to read Matt’s story in full.

Richard Foulston – Business Loan Borrower

“I didn’t feel like they were making us jump through any hoops. Sometimes when applying for financial support it can be a case where the goalposts seem to change, which is frustrating, but the process with STWLC was absolutely fine. It was the easiest application process we’ve been through for a loan.”

Click here to read Richard’s story in full.

Dhilon Devji – Business Loan Borrower

“With the STWLC loan not requiring payments in the first three years, that gives you time to learn without financial pressure from the start. The Charity have made a massive difference to me and I would definitely recommend them.”

Click here to read Dhilon’s story in full.

Imogen Watt – Business Loan Borrower

“I have only positive words to say about STWLC. They have helped me achieve my dream, and I am beyond grateful. I would recommend anyone looking to start up a business to look at working with the charity as they have been fantastic.”

Click here to read Imogen’s story in full.

George Oliver – Business Loan Borrower

“I spoke with some of the trustees about whether I would be eligible. The process was thorough and rigorous, but it was also manageable and very smoothly managed and clearly communicated throughout.”

Click here to read George’s story in full.

Steff Lee – Business Loan Borrower

“If you need money and you know that you’re going to grow your business and make the money back, this zero-interest loan is great. And you have so long to pay it back too!”

Click here to read Steff’s story in full.