Gwilym Roberts 01

Gwilym Roberts: STW was a perfect fit!

Starting and developing a career in acting is no mean feat. It involves a combination of training, networking and perseverance, but when the love for it is there, it can be an incredibly special career to have.

Growing up in Melton Mowbray, Gwilym Roberts always had an interest in acting through his family, and decided to follow this through a less conventional education route.

“I decided against taking A Levels and did a BTEC course in Musical Theatre at Brooksby Melton College,” Gwilym began.

“Then, I went to the University of Cumbria to continue this further. Whilst there, I realised my love was for just acting, so decided to do a Masters in Acting at Guilford School of Acting.”

It was at this point in time when Gwilym discovered The Sir Thomas White Loan Charity – and specifically, the interest-free education loans available through the Charity.

“We were looking for loans, as I couldn’t afford to do my Masters without additional funding, and my Mum found STWLC. After some research about the Charity, we realised this was a perfect fit,” Gwilym reflected.

One of the UK’s leading accredited drama schools, the Guildford School of Acting provides dedicated training within a purpose-built environment on the University of Surrey campus, focusing on practical actor training through a series of workshops and rehearsals.

“The course was amazing,” Gwilym continued.  

“I was in classes from 9am till 6pm most days, and it was very hands-on and holistic in its approach. I was excited for most classes, and there was a real sense of collaboration.

“It’s helped me get an agent, and furthered my study as an actor. I’ve since appeared in some Shakespeare shows, and am doing so again, and couldn’t have done that without my Masters.”

“Even now, the repayments are just a monthly expense that I don’t worry about. I would, and have, recommended the Charity to many other people, and will continue to do so.”

Gwilym Roberts

Now a Self-Employed Actor, Gwilym concluded with some kind words about his experience with STWLC and the benefits of receiving an interest-free loan.

“I couldn’t have done my Masters without additional funding, and having the security of knowing I didn’t need to start repayments for three years and it was interest-free made me not worry about it whilst studying. Even now, the repayments are just a monthly expense that I don’t worry about. I would, and have, recommended the Charity to many other people, and will continue to do so.”

If, like Gwilym, you are considering a postgraduate course and require funds for tuition or living costs, please click here for more information about our interest-free education loans, available up to £10,000.

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